

Library History

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Opening of the Library and Information Technology Center 2001-2008

2001 The Academic Information Center is renamed the Library and Information Technology Center.
The Academic Information Center Journal is renamed the Library and Information Technology Center Journal (from Issue 21 onward).
The libraries on both campuses begin opening on Sundays (during semester periods).
The database of Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts is integrated into DOORS web version. Accordingly, the bibliographic database of DOORS contains 805,500 book titles and 33,300 periodical titles.
Retroactive input of the bibliographic database of the Classic Classification books is completed.
NDC 9th edition is adopted.
(*)The library collection numbers 702,309 volumes (as of the end of 2001).
2002 The opening hours of Imadegawa Library are extended (9:00 to 22:00, including class cancellation and holiday periods).
All library services, except the reference service, become available on Sundays.
Functions of cross-search and multilingualization are added to the web version of DOORS.
2003 Information and media facilities (Information and Media Building, and Doshisha Rohm Plaza) open on the Kyotanabe Campus.
2004 The academic information system using a client server system starts operating.
A library portal system, MyLibrary, is created.
2005 The CD-ROM server (CDS) is replaced.
The electronic libraries program (eLib) is replaced.
A search function for research bulletins and rare books is added to DOORS.
2006 Campus-wide distribution of e-journals starts.
2007 The website of the Academic Repository is published.