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User Guidelines on Using Electronic Resources

March 9, 2007

Doshisha University Library

1. Definition and Purpose of Electronic Resources
“Electronic Resources” (hereinafter called e-resources) in these User guidelines mean electronic media such as databases and electronic journals accessible on the Doshisha University Library web site. Doshisha University provides e-resources to our members to enrich their academic, educational, research activities.

2. Authorized Users
Use of e-resources is limited to the students, faculty and staff of Doshisha University in principle.

3. Authorized Use
Users may access, search, browse, and view the contents of e-resources (hereinafter called the contents) for academic, educational and research purposes only. Users may download and print out the required sections of e-resources, except in forbidden or limited cases according to user regulations.

4. Compliance with User Regulations
Users shall comply with user regulations, such as “Terms and Conditions of use”, of each e-resource. The web site of each provider generally carries a detailed account of them. Be sure to check them before using e-resources.

5. Copyright and Related Rights of E-resources
The copyright and/or related rights of e-resources themselves and their contents remain with their authors and/or the providers of e-resources (hereinafter called the copyright holders), and they are protected by domestic laws and the international treaties on copyrighted materials as well as the Copyright Law of Japan.

6. Forbidden Actions
The following actions are generally forbidden;
(1)Modifying, adapting, transforming, translating the contents, or creating any derivative work based on them without the prior written consent of the copyright holders.
(2)Removing, modifying or obscuring copyright notices, trademarks or notices of intellectual property rights on e-resources in any way.
(3)Downloading a high volume of the contents for a few minutes, regardless whether it is automatic or manual-operated.
(4)Duplication of the contents, or transmission and distribution of them to a third party.
(5)Acts against user regulations.

7. Sanctions against the Breach of the above Regulations
When a breach of user regulation is confirmed, the entire system to use e-resources may be suspended, a contract may be cancelled or legal sanctions may be taken. If unauthorized use is discovered, Doshisha University will take measures, including appropriate disciplinary action, to prevent the recurrence of unauthorized use.